Keller Williams Realty Premier - Laura Hinojosa
Laura Hinojosa
Keller Williams Realty Premier
Katy, TX
English / Spanish
Número de llicència: 0808479 - TX / REALTOR® a les Laura Hinojosa at Keller Williams Realty Premier
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Els meus detalls
IDIOMES English, Spanish
CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Realty Premier

Sobre mi

As a Colombian living in the United States and married to a French, I am multicultural and passionate about traveling around the world.
I have lived in Colombia, Florida, Colorado and now Texas. I am bilingual: Spanish and English. I graduated from FAU with two bachelor’s degrees: one in Business Administration and the second one in Marketing. I also studied abroad with the FAU international student program in ESC University Madrid, Spain.
Before I decided to become a Real Estate Agent I worked advocating for the Spanish community. I understand the challenges one may experience when one is relocated from a different state or country. I want to be the person you reach for. Think of me as the agent you can count on who will alleviate the stress on finding the right place you will call home. Keller William’s wonderful team and I can help you make your dream home come true.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Laura Hinojosa
Número de llicència: 0808479
Laura Hinojosa at Keller Williams Realty Premier

Open House Sign In
Keller Williams Realty Premier
22762 Westheimer Parkway, Suite 420 Katy, TX 77450

Laura Hinojosa
REALTOR® 0808479
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